četvrtak, 29. studenoga 2012.

Mjesto za život i meditaciju I dio

Svatko od nas traži posebno mjesto gdje se možemo opustiti i uživati. Oslobodimo um i tijelo bez predrasuda modernog svijeta. Nitko nas na tom mjestu ne osuđuje, niti mrzi. A opet, ta samoća nam daje snage da možemo voljeti sve, uključujući i sebe. 

Opustimo se. Iskoristimo vrijeme najbolje što znamo tako da upotrijebimo um da nam postane najbolji prijatelj. 

Maštajmo o slobodi. 

O lijepa, o draga, o slatka slobodo,
dar, u kom sva blaga višnji nam Bog je do
uzroče istini od naše sve slave,
uresu jedini od ove Dubrave;
sva srebra, sva zlata, svi ljudski životi
ne mogu bit plata tvoj čistoj ljepoti.

Ivan Gundulić

My Swan, Let Us Fly

My swan, let us fly to that land, where your Beloved lives forever.
That land has an up-ended well, whose mouth, narrow as a thread, the married soul draws water from without a rope or pitcher.
My swan, let us fly to that land, where your Beloved lives forever.
 Clouds never cluster there, yet it goes on and on raining. Don’t keep squatting outside in the yard –Come in! Get drenched without a body!
 My swan, let us fly to that land, where your Beloved lives forever.
 That land is always soaked in moonlight; Darkness can never come near it. It is flooded always with the dazzle of not one, but a million suns.
 My swan, let us fly to that land, where your Beloved lives forever.

Free at last! Free at last!
                Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!
Martin Luther King, Jr.

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