Dehra Dehra Dun, Dehra Dehra Dun
Dehra Dehra Dun, Dehra Dehra Dun
Dehra Dehra Dun, Dehra Dehra Dun
Dehra Dehra Dun
Many roads can take you there, many different ways
One direction takes you years, another takes you days
Dehra Dehra Dun...
Many people on the roads looking at the sights
Many others with their troubles looking for their rights
Dehra Dehra Dun...
See them move along the road in search of life divine
...beggers in a goldmine
Dehra Dehra Dun...
many roads can take you there, many different ways
one direction takes you years, another takes you days
Dehra Dehra Dun...
Dehra Dehra Dun, Dehra Dehra Dun
Dehra Dehra Dun, Dehra Dehra Dun
Dehra Dehra Dun
Many roads can take you there, many different ways
One direction takes you years, another takes you days
Dehra Dehra Dun...
Many people on the roads looking at the sights
Many others with their troubles looking for their rights
Dehra Dehra Dun...
See them move along the road in search of life divine
...beggers in a goldmine
Dehra Dehra Dun...
many roads can take you there, many different ways
one direction takes you years, another takes you days
Dehra Dehra Dun...
Dehradun je povezan sa Ramayanom,
legendarnom pričom o kralju Rami, koji je zajedno sa bratom Laxmanom posjetio
Dehradun nakon što je pokorio demonskog kralja Ravanu.
Prema drugom epu, Mahabharati,
Dronacharya, guru mladih kraljevića Kaurava i Pandava, rođen u Dehradunu.
Postoje ostaci hramova starih više od 2000 godina.
Ovu je pjesmu Harrison napisao za
vrijeme The Beatles (White) albuma u Rishikeshu, a snimljena je za vrijeme
snimanja Radha Krishna albuma u Londonu.
Pošto je grad imao slavnu
prošlost, Harrison je očekivao da će pronaći više duhovnosti među stanovnicima,
ali se razočarao vidjevši njihov način života (See them move along the road in
search of life divine, ...beggers in a goldmine).